We'd love to have you worship and fellowship with us!

But that's a bit complicated...

Right now, we're nomadic again. We don't have a permanent home, but we're making sacred space as we find space availabe to us.

Every week, we do gather together— more often than not, we gather together for worship, but if space conducive to worship isn't available to us that week, we still make it a point to gather together for intense fellowship. 


Here's where we usually gather these days...

Most Sunday mornings, you can find us gathered together for worship and fellowship in the Family Group Shelter of Pickett's Mill Battlefield on Highway 92.

The address* for the Family Group Shelter is:

6589 Hiram Acworth Highway

Dallas GA 30157 

* However, using the address, your GPS will likely take you to a nearby neighborhood, but if you search for Pickett's Mill Family Group Shelter, your GPS should take you directly there.


On Sundays when we're gathered together at the Family Group Shelter (FGS), we'd love to have you join us!Picketts Mill

As you arrive at the FGS, you should simply pull through the gate, and you'll see a building directly ahead on your right. That's the FGS, where we're meeting for worship and fellowship. The parking lot will be to your right, just past the building. (There's no need to pay for parking... We've already covered that.)

Though our Sunday morning service of worship begins at 11:00, we encourage you to come a few minutes early if you're able so you aren't rushing in. There'll be good coffee and tea to enjoy, and arriving early will provide you an opportunity to meet some folks, get comfortable, and perhaps grab a moment of rest just before we worship together.

Our time together on Sunday mornings is filled with celebration and is truly refreshing to the soul. As we gather together, the atmosphere is casual and joyous, filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation.

During our service, the music is peaceful but spirited, with an acoustic, organic sound. While our order of worship is prayerfully-intentional, our time of worship is Spirit-led and always adjustable; this [almost-]weekly gathering is thoughtfully-organized but with the occasional detour along the way.

We celebrate Holy Communion together monthly, on the 1st Sunday of each month, except during the seasons of Advent and Lent, both of which we begin and end with Holy Communion. 

Everytime we gather together for worship, we also enjoy a fellowship meal immediately after. If you're visiting with us, we'd love to have you stick around for that great time of food and conversation. It's always enjoyable, and the food is always delicious. (Who doesn't like a potluck with folks who know how to cook?!)

Please come dressed as you feel most comfortable for worship. Seriously, we mean it— whether in tattered jeans or shorts and a tee-shirt, a fine wool suit, or anything in between, we just want you to come expecting a great time together.

Please don't miss what Jesus wants to do in your heart and life this Sunday. We think you'll love it. And we promise— we're saving you a seat, because we're looking forward to seeing you, worshipping together, and getting to know one another.


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We're nomadic again, folks!—
Join us for worship at 11:00 a.m. this Sunday at:
the Pickett's Mill Battlefield Family Group Shelter
Highway 92
Dallas Highway