We are passionate about serving our community, especially those who are hurting or often forgotten...

That being so, we regularly gather together to intentionally "go" together...


     Birthday Parties at Devereux

Each month, we put together a birthday party for the youth living at Devereux Behavioral...



     Blessing Bags

Each year, we purchase supplies for and put together 'Blessing Bags'. What's a 'Blessing Bag'? Good question. We're glad you asked...

They are easy-to-take bags filled with all sorts of supplies people without homes greatly need. Gloves, socks, hand-warmers, mylar blankets, food, water, gift card, and more... these bags are thoughtfully and prayerfully put together to be a blessing to others in urgent need. We put together lots and lots of them at the beginning of Advent each year and send them out with any of our people who want to take them. They then keep them in their cars and hand them to folks in need— especially during Advent and Christmas but also throughout the year.



     Service through The Salvation Army

Some of our people volunteer in various capacities at The Salvation Army in Marietta.



     Personal Mission

Through the prayerful imaginations and purposeful thoughtfulness of its people, FMC ministers to the needs of our community in creatively diverse ways. Some of these acts of service have included giving free bottles of water to frisbee golfers at a local park, cleaning and repairing the homes of shut-ins in our neighborhoods, making personal donations to a local library, delivering unexpected donuts to local fire stations, and more. Anyone can plan a personal mission project, and all are encouraged to participate as they are able.

Join us for worship at 11:00 a.m. this Sunday!
the Red Rock Community Center
545 Mars Hill Road
Powder Springs GA 30127